Welcome to Next Generation PV Materials 2024!
We are pleased to invite you to join us for Next Generation PV Materials 2024 in the beautiful city of Groningen. This international conference brings together the main aspects of the science of materials and devices that are paving the road towards highly efficient, stable thin film solar cells, which will facilitate the necessary transition towards renewable energy. Contributions concerning materials synthesis, photophysics, device physics, modelling and any related issues are highly appreciated.
Next Generation PV Materials 2024 is organized by the University of Groningen, the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials.
Online registration is closed but you can register onsite for a one day ticket #PVMaterials
Our program is online, click here for a printable version or check this page
Our local organizing committee:

Maria A. Loi

Loredana Protesescu

Jan Anton Koster

Giuseppe Portale

Remco Havenith
Our National Advisory Committee:
- Rene Janssen (TU Eindhoven)
- Shuxia Tao (TU Eindhoven)
- Andries Meijering (University of Utrecht)
- Adriana Creatore (TU Eindhoven)
- Erik Garnett (AMOLF)
- Bruno Ehrler (AMOLF)
- Albert Polman (AMOLF)
- Monica Morales Masis (TU Twente)
- Linn Leppert (TU Twente)
- Olindo Isabella (TU Delft)
- Ferdinand Grozema (TU Delft)
- Peter Schall (UVA)
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Groningen this summer!
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